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Croissant's Strudel KITTEN KPS' Sponsorship Page
Croissant's Strudel KITTEN KPS

Cookie, Macaroon, Strudel, Mousse an Cheesecake are siblings. Croissant and her babies came from a colony situation where there were multiple pregnant moms and litters of kittens. We think that one or more of the babies may not be her own, but she's a great mom and diligently took care of every one of them. Now that Croissant and her kittens have received age appropriate vetting, they are ready to find their furever homes. If interested please fill out an application at 

Croissant's Strudel KITTEN KPS' Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

---------- OR ----------

Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
Would you like to stop
the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
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If yes, how many?